Esoteric readings
What is an Esoteric Reading and why is it different from a regular psychic reading?
An Esoteric Reading has a holistic approach, meaning that is not only uses Tarot cards as a guidance or the person's own psychic insights, but also numerology and radiesthesia which can actually answer precise questions about a person and their karma.
As an occultist and spiritual teacher, I know that every method of predicting the future is based on what a person has stored within their aura, therefore I have to look at the information or the self-concept of the person to see on what timelines the person is more likely to head in the future.
An Esoteric Reading helps you understand why certain things are happening in your life, what is your spiritual purpose, what you have to learn from your experiences and how you influence your future.
An Esoteric Reading includes:
-A psychic analysis of your aura
-A tarot reading specific to one area you want to gain insight in and what are your lessons to learn from that
-A detailed numerological insight on your life path
-You Karmic percentage left to complete
-Your aura colour and birth colour and what they mean
The difference between my Intuitive Tarot Readings and my Esoteric Readings is that the Esoteric Readings give you a deep understanding of your life purpose and how you are true to it or not, while the Psychic Tarot Readings only answer a specific enquiry regarding one area of your life, looking on a mundane level and a specific situation.
After you have purchased an Esoteric Reading, please e-mail me the following details at [email protected]:
-Your full name
-Your date of birth
-A recent picture of yourself
-An area of your life you wish to gain clarity on
The current wait time for receiving the reading is between 1 week to 10 days.
Esoteric Reading
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